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I'd love for you to join the raju club

Personal emails directly from me about my meandering journey, freebees, early access to new recipes, special offers (not available anywhere else) and discounts off merch


Questions people ask me the most
  •  I named the Sauces Raju because my favourite Bollywood actor growing up always had the same name, no matter what character he played. 

    I think there’s somethnig to that. 

  • Hmm,

    Here are the top three things that come to mind:

    1. Exploring new places
    2. Eating
    3. Dance around in the kitchen listening to music while cooking.

  • We have t-shirts because who doesn't ever need a new T-shirt?

    We have hoodies because I love wearing them. I needed new hoodies and thought why not make Raju branded hoodies and just wear them.. They're super comfy, I recommend you buy one!

  • It's complicated. Honestly, I think I go through phases of liking each one the most.

    It also depends what I'm eating

  • Use this text to share the answer to the question with your customers.

  • Send it over and i'll respond personally. My email address is: hello@spicyraju.com

  • Use this text to share the answer to the question with your customers.

  • I honestly don't know. I like a bit of everything. I make the playlists for Raju.